Partition Maintenance (DROP+REORG) for time series (includes list of PARTITION uses)
Big DELETEs - how to optimize -- and other chunking advice, plus a use for PARTITIONing
Chunking lengthy DELETE/UPDATE/etc.
Data Warehouse techniques:
Data Warehouse Overview
Summary Tables
High speed ingestion
Bulk Normalization
Schema and code design for large Sensor database
Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) -- a common, poorly performing, design pattern; plus an alternative
Lat/Lng search to Find the nearest 10 pizza parlors
Lat/Long representation choices
Pagination, not with OFFSET, LIMIT
Techniques on efficiently finding a random row (On beyond ORDER BY RAND())
GUID/UUID Performance (type 1 only)
IP Range Table Performance -- or other disjoint ranges
Alter of a Huge table -- Mostly obviated by 5.6
Efficient List of Latest 10 news articles
Build and execute a Pivot SELECT (showing rows as columns)
(Groupwise Max): Efficiently find largest row(s) for each group
Other Tips, Tuning, Debugging, Optimizations, etc...
Rick's RoTs (Rules of Thumb -- lots of tips)
Datatypes and building a good schema
Memory Allocation (caching, etc)
Character Set and Collation problem solver
Trouble with UTF-8
If you want case folding, but accent sensitivity, please file a request at .
Python tips,
PHP tips,
other language tips
utf8 Collations
utf8mb4 Collations on 8.0
Converting from MyISAM to InnoDB -- includes differences between them
Compound INDEXes plus other insights into the mysteries of INDEXing
Cookbook for Creating Indexes
Many-to-many mapping table
Handler counts
MySQL Limits -- built-in hard limits
767-byte INDEX limit
Galera, tips on converting to (Percona XtraDB Cluster, MariaDB 10, or manually installed)
5.7's Query Rewrite -- perhaps 5.7's best perf gain, at least for this forum's users
Analyze MySQL Performance
Analyze SlowLog
My slides from conferences
MiniFest 2021 - Rick James & Daniel Black - Answering on Stack Overflow(+comments) - MariaDB Frontlines
Percona Live 4/2017 - Rick's RoTs (Rules of Thumb) - MySQL/MariaDB
Percona Live 4/2017 - Index Cookbook - MySQL/MariaDB
Percona Live 9/2015 - PARTITIONing - MySQL/MariaDB
Contact me via LinkedIn; be sure to include a brief teaser in the Invite request: